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2025 ACC Womens Spiel

The ACC is hosting its third womens only bonspiel to celebrate women in curling and to support the community of Alaskan women!  Last year was a hit, so let's do it again ladies!

The event will be a 1-day bonspiel with teams formed by drawing from a hat.  If you really want to play with a specific person, write their names in the comment box and we should be able to accommodate that. Games will be 4-6 ends depending on the number of teams.

Costumes are encouraged! I mean after all, girls just wanna have fun, right?

In addition to a day of curling, wine tasting will be provided by awesome volunteers of the ACC.  Dinner will be poluck style, so whip out those favorite recipes that you've been dying to share!

Note that if you want to participate in wine tasting, there will be an additional fee to pay at the bar that day. 

The entry fee is a variable price following 3 recommendations:

  1. Standard Entry Fee:  $40  Includes entry, dinner, and amazing event merchandice
  2. Paying It Forward:  $40+  This is to pay for standard entry, plus a donation either towards those who want to curl but may not be able to put forth $40, or a donation to the Abused Women's Aid In Crisis (AWAIC) center.  
  3. Women Supporting Women: This option is for those who cannot drop $40 on the event but still want to participate in the event. Recommended fees for this option are $10, $20 or $30.  The remaining balance will be met by the Paying It Forward option.  We want all women to have the chance to enjoy a day of curling and dinner!  We got your back! 

Donation Only: You're also welcome to donate money towards the event or to AWAIC, without participating in the event!  Fill out the registration form, and note in the comments that it's strictly a donation towards the event or AWAIC.

In addition to the direct donations to AWAIC, a portion of overall proceeds from the event will also be donated to AWAIC.

Please note:  This event will be focused for adult women of the club to have a good time, so it may not always be a strictly PG type environment for youth. 

Event Properties

Event Date 03-22-2025
Event End Date 03-22-2025
Cut off date 03-15-2025
Capacity 999
Registered 27
Available place 972
Individual Price Variable
Location Anchorage Curling Club

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711 E Loop Rd.
Anchorage, AK 
99501  USA 
(not a mailing address)


PO Box #200686
Anchorage, AK 99520


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